Saturday, April 10, 2010

April 10th, 2010. El Chaco, San Blas South.

The day is bright and sunny. Tom couldn't wait to get in the ocean. He watched from our campsite, which has an unobstructed view of the water from about 15 feet away, some surfers out on a nearby point and had to go join them. I, feeling less energetic, took Winston for a walk on the beach whilst I drank my morning coffee. We ate lunch at the El Chaco restaurant, whole griiled fish and aguachile. I swam in the pool while Tom read. We are getting on Mexico time! Also, finding some things we forgot (or didn't know we needed) for the RV, so have been ordering on line. We are going to have to ask Jeanne and Bruce to bring them down for us. Again, live and learn. The sunset was a glowing orange ball tonight and early to bed because tomorrow is a travel day.

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